
Most Common Dental Emergencies

Posted by PREMIER DENTAL GROUP HI on Nov 8 2022, 08:12 AM

Dental emergencies can happen at any time. They can occur in children and adults and can range from mild to severe. Some of these emergencies can wait for a few days, but others need to be addressed as soon as possible.

Here are some of the most common ones:

Knocked-out Tooth

If you knock out a tooth, you should pick up the tooth by the crown and rinse off the tooth root with water. If the tooth is dirty, you’ll need to wash it with soap and warm water. Do not scrub the root or remove any attached tissue fragments. If possible, place the tooth back into its socket without touching the root. If this isn’t possible due to pain or lack of time, store the tooth in a container of milk until you make it to the dentist’s office.

Damaged or Broken Filling or Crown

If left untreated, a broken filling or crown can cause tooth infection and result in the need for root canal therapy. In the event of damaged fillings, be sure to contact your dentist as soon as possible. In the meantime, make soft foods and avoid chewing near the damaged area until you can see your dentist. If your dental crown becomes loose, avoid sticky foods and consider using denture adhesive to keep it in place until you visit your dentist.

Chipped or Fractured Teeth

A chipped tooth is a common dental emergency, especially when the chip is in the front of the mouth and is visible when you smile. Fortunately, it’s usually a simple fix. First, the dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic to make the procedure more comfortable for the patient. Then, they will repair the damaged tooth using a composite resin material that matches the natural color of the surrounding teeth. In just a few minutes, the tooth will look as good as new! If a chip is severe enough to cause a fracture to the nerve inside the tooth, then your dentist will likely recommend root canal therapy to save the tooth and prevent infection. In some cases, a tooth that is too damaged to repair may need to be removed instead. While losing a permanent tooth can be upsetting, it’s important to remember that when this is necessary, there are several options for replacement, including dental implants.

Severe Toothache

A severe toothache is a symptom that something may be wrong with a tooth or gum, such as an infection. If a toothache occurs suddenly and is extremely painful, contact the dentist as soon as possible. In the meantime, rinse the mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to the cheek to reduce pain and swelling. After treatment, rinse the mouth with warm salt water and take an over-the-counter pain reliever as instructed by the dentist.

If a severe toothache lasts for more than one day, make an appointment with a nearby dentist to have the tooth examined and treated before complications occur.

Schedule an appointment with Premier Dental Group HI if you are looking for an emergency dentist. Contact us from your nearest location or visit our website to book an appointment. 

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